I got to go up to Reionna's house and do their family photos- her family got her a gift certificate for her birthday! Pretty awesome gift! I get to work with their family a lot and love getting to see everyone grow! A new addition to her little family is Cooper- five weeks old in these photos, and so adorable! We didn't get to shoot outside because of the weather but got some great shots indoors.
(Cooper is either very upset or laughing histarically?)
Reionna and her baby boy :)
Baby Cooper
Mr. Carson- kept wanting me to see his "yoom"- saying "my yoom, my yoom"... that was his room of coarse. It was way cool and he was very good!
Brothers <3
Sweet Little Family
Thanks for having me up guys- I hope we can work together soon!
Thanks for having me up guys- I hope we can work together soon!
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